The summer travel season is upon us. Do you have plans yet? I know I made plans months ago and can't wait to get going, and doing, all the things I want to!
Whether you are planning a large trip or having a stay-cation make sure you take the time to explore your family roots too. Here are 5 ways to squeeze some family history fun into your summer time downtime.
1. Create a photo collage from summers past.
2. Take a virtual trip through your ancestral towns
3. Make ancestor trading cards for the younger (or young at heart) generations in your life
4. Take the time to write about your heirlooms so others will know where they came from
5. Document your life, since you are the absolute best person to do that
I hope you get out there and make the most of the next few months by trying a few!
Really good ideas and great ways to help the younger generations develop an interest in their heritage.