Looking Back
50 years ago
March 8, 1936
The Strong Montgomery Vikings pulled the first big surprise of the Washington Sectional in the first semi-final game here Saturday afternoon by defeating their arch rival, the Odon Bulldogs, 28-14. In the other game, the Washington Hatchets defeated the Plainville Midgets, 23-19.
Edward H. Scales, ex-clerk of the Pike Circuit Court and ex-democratic county chairman of Pike County, was confirmed by the senate yesterday for Postmaster at Petersburg.
Paul Combs, Washington's only boxer of any worth, Friday night came close to achieving his ambition -- that of winning the Chicago Gold Gloves tournament in the bantamweight class. Combs fought his way through all the preliminary rounds and went undefeated, earning a bid in the final. But Johnny Brown of Chicago out-punched Combs in the three-round fight and was ruled the winner. Combs was quite popular in Chicago, and after the decision was announced, the judges were booed thinking that Combs should have been declared the winner.
Looking Back
50 years ago
April 4, 1936
The Rainbow Rangers of Washington have accepted employment with Don Weston, formerly with Gene Autrey. They are heard daily from Station WLAP in Lexington, Kentucky. In the feature they will be known as Don Weston and his Westerners.
Paul Combs, local bantamweight boxer, punched his way into the finals of the State Amateur Athletic Union boxing tournament in the South Bend last night when he won a decision over Paul Lanby of Elkhart. Combs will have the best wishes of all the people this community as he has proved himself one of the best, if not the best boxer ever seen in this section of the state.
On the national scene, Bruno Richard Hauptmann was put to death by electrocution today for his conviction of the kidnap-murder of aviator Charles Lindbergh's baby.
Wednesday April 30, 1986
50 years ago
April 30, 1936
A joint Mother's Day program will held next Monday evening, May 11th, at 7:30 o'clock in the court house, sponsored by the American Legion, and the be participated in by the War Mothers, Legion Auxiliary, mothers of service men, and the American Legion. Dr. H.C. Wadsworth of Washington will be the principle speaker of the evening, and a playlet will be given by the Legion Auxiliary.
Quite a number of local sport fans are anxiously waiting for the night when the Bedford Recreation Boxing team will meet the local team at the Recreation center. Bob Downey, Recreation supervisor, announced today that a feature bout is in the making between Paul Combs, State A.A.U. champion a boy from Bedford, whom we are told was the champion of the Pacific fleet when he was in the navy. A match of the kind would certainly draw a large crowd.
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