Many of my friends talk about a traditional dish they have for such and such holiday. Their memories over the table and how making it reminds them of those special times. Well, I seem to have an unusual family because there has never been many of those type moments. My grandmother Combs always had a large family Christmas dinner until I was about 10 or 11. Then kids started moving away and doing their own things. By the time I was in college it was a simple affair with maybe 4-5 people. We never had the same thing on the table two years running... except we always had turkey.
Some of my other friends have regaled me with stories of how a recipe was passed down through x number of generations and how marvelous it is. That is cool, that is not my family either. I think the oldest recipe I have in my collection is a simple roll recipe that was my great-grandmother Arvin's. I could be mistaken on the source however.
A few of my favorite, once in a while, meals I could request on demand from my father where Frito Pie and Irish Stew. I talked about Frito Pie in this blog post. Irish stew, as my father called it, was a variation on a Shepard's Pie. It was ground meat (usually hamburger, but I have made it with lamb) that is browned with onions. To that you add veggies like potatoes, carrots and peas. Put a fair amount of water on it to boil and then drop homemade (okay they were usually Bisquick) dumplings on top. Cover and let it steam until the dumpling/biscuits are done. It was best on day two or three. When I get to feeling bad and need comfort food this is what I crave!
*Image Library of Congress: Escambia Farms, Florida. Mrs. McLelland cooking fried chicken for Sunday dinner
*photo credit: Nomadic Lass via photo pin cc
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