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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 40 of Abundant Genealogy

Week 40: Wild Card. Is there something for which you are thankful that has not been discussed yet? Share your genealogical abundance on a personal level. How does this person/item/group/memory or other entity impact your family history?

Oh, wow.  Yeah, I say that a lot, but now I have a reason to ponder and think about a large amount of stuff.  It only took me until today to figure out.  Not bad, not bad at all.

I have to be thankful for museums and historical sites.  Without these I would not be able to see and experience aspects of my ancestor’s lives.  Being able to experience history with all your senses is a wonderful thing.  Walking in the places your ancestors were and imagining what it was like to stand there when there were there are experiences that I treasure. 

As a visual learner, who also needs to do things to engrain them, I need more than just books and computer images to really learn.  Having the opportunity to travel to places my family visited, battlefields they fought on, or stand in the fields they worked means more to me than almost anything.  They bring the person to life.
photo credit: Sanctu via photopin cc

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