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PhD Research Questionaire

I need your help! As part of my doctoral research into hereditary organizations and lineage societies of the United States, I created a questionnaire. The purpose is to learn more about their impact on 
historical preservation, the field of genealogy, and society at large. If you fall into one or more of the following groups, I invite you to go to this page
 to take the survey. Answers are 100% anonymous. 

My project is titled: The Evolution of Hereditary Organizations and Lineage Societies in the United States: Why They Formed, How They Are Perceived, And Their Contributions to Historical and Genealogical Research.

Synopsis: Through surveys and select interviews, I will analyze the viewpoints of professionals associated with the field of genealogy, members of historical/lineage societies, and hobby genealogical researchers. Questions will cover the topics of lineage research for membership to these groups, experiences researching lineages as professional or hobby genealogists, why the person joined a lineage society, and experiences of minority members. Non-members will also be consulted to understand how they perceive these organizations, particularly concerning the stereotypes in history and society about these groups. 

Participants will fall into at least one of the following five categories:

  • Not a member of a lineage or heritage organization
  • A genealogist/family history researcher (but not a professional) who researches for their family, friends, or others for free
  • Historian, archivist, librarian, professional genealogist, or employed with a company that does genealogical work and frequently interacts with persons who perform genealogical research
  • Member of a lineage or heritage organization
  • A paid staff member or volunteer for a heritage organization or lineage society who approves applications for membership or assists prospective members with their applications

Please go to this page to take the survey.

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