Monday I spent the time getting my car repaired by taking a quick class from Family Tree University. Well worth it too, as I went home and started putting a lot of their advice into action. Before I went to bed I had a game plan of how to tear down a brick wall through an adjacent family line.

Yesterday I spent every free moment I had on find a grave. I have become enamored with this site I have got to tell you. Now, yes I do realize that not all information is accurate (I even found significant discrepancies between what the some pictures showed and what was typed) but they are good leads. For those who can’t visit their ancestor’s burial site it is also a wonderful way for us to “see” them. Well, I discovered yesterday how to do very specific searches on it. In fact, I looked at ever listed internment at all the cemeteries shown for Martin County Indiana. Go ahead, you can call me crazy.
From this systematic search I found the burial locations and transcriptions of tombstones for nearly 100 people. Many in my direct line, but I did include a few cousins, aunts and uncles. With it came some surprising finds, dates I didn’t have before, and family groups that I will need to return to. This means I am now trying to carve out time to go through several other counties/states.
*Image from Find a Grave, added by Julia Young on 04/06/2011
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