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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

RootsTech 2022 Key Note Speaker - “We Are One People” Says 3-Time World Champion Boxer Samuel Azumah Nelson

3-Time World Champion Boxer Samuel Azumah Nelson has been added to the lineup of Keynote Speakers at the upcoming RootsTech Virtual 2022 Conference from March 3 - 5, 2022. 

Quoting from the above blog post, 
Boxing is a sport that demands grit and determination, but those characteristics don’t appear from nowhere. Just ask Africa’s greatest boxing legend, Samuel Azumah Nelson and a RootsTech 2022 keynote speaker (3–5 March 2022). He credits his ancestors for endowing him with the qualities that carried him to 3 featherweight world championships and a place in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

“I need to show you where my courage and determination to succeed came from” he declared. “I am a proud Ghanaian with a Tabon DNA, power, and spirit. You must be interested in your family history and to live the values it represents.”

There’s a lot behind the Tabon affiliation that is a major part of Azumah’s story for attendees of RootsTech 2022 (March 3–5, 2022). The Tabon people were former slaves in Brazil. With the abolishment of slavery in the late 1800s, 7 families banded together and made their way back to the homelands from which their ancestors had been taken. The Asuman family, who later changed their name to Nelson, were among the leaders of the group.

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