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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Review of Interview With Mary Tedesco From Genealogy Roadshow

On Wednesday 28 January there was a great hangout I listened to which was produced by featuring Mary Tedesco.  The show focused mainly on the New Orleans shows for the new season of Genealogy Roadshow, the 2nd of which will be shown next Tuesday 3 February 2015.  If you have not have the opportunity to watch the hangout I recommend you do so. is a website that acts as a local news source for Louisiana.  The site is published by Stephen Sabludowsky (@BayoubuzzSteve) who hosted the show.  Co-hosts for the episode were Erin Brady (Miss USA 2013 @OfficialEBrady) and Ben Fisher.  The hangout lasted 43 minutes so make sure you budget the time to watch, it’s not a quickie.

It was really a wonderful chance to have a small behind the scenes peek into what a host, and consequently the show, is really like.  Mary acknowledged the team of researchers (she said it takes a village!) and that a lot of the magic happens later with the production team.  They are the ones who cut, snip and edit the footage into the final stories.  Those powerful stores which have left me grabbing a hankie a couple of times.  Which, by the way, season three casting is underway so go out there and submit your stories!

I particularly appreciated her candor on what it takes to be a good genealogist and pointing out how each story, and really each family, is very different.  That is so true too!  No one family has the same experience and we are such a diverse nation, with so many ethnicities and heritages blending together, it still amazes me what people can discover with a little digging.  We all have a story to share and I think if someone didn’t know a thing about genealogy they might be interested to learn more about their family after watching this video. 

Her emphasis that a grasp of history is important really hit home for me.  I cannot agree more on this subject.  Many people I know use genealogy as a jumping off point to learn more about the history of their ancestors.  Be it social, military, or political histories which is great.  Everyone should investigate what effect their ancestors and why.  However, I come at it from a different view.  The reason a lot of my brick walls were broken down was because I knew the basic history going in.  Maybe not everything I needed to know but I knew enough that I was able to lead my research to the correct countries or figure out from dates and patterns why people were migrating where and when. History (all types) goes hand in hand with genealogy research.

Of course I nearly jumped with glee when Mary was asked about how technology will help genealogy.  She used the words I love saying, and have been given the stink eye for too.  Social media and technology is having an impact on genealogists, we can’t run away from it!  We, genealogists, are crowd sourcing our brick walls.  Halleluiah!  Another person saying what I have spouted for the last several years in blog posts and lectures.  If she was there in the same room with me I would have kissed her.  Really, I would have.

So go check out the video and let me know what you thought.   

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