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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

IDG Post: Book review of Zap the Grandma Gap

As a mom I worry about all sorts of things and I am pretty sure worry comes with the job title.  As a genealogist an entire new layer of worry is added to that already extensive worry list. Now I ponder how I will make sure my kids, and grandkids, have the same love and respect for their family history that I have.
I was lucky that I grew up in the family I did.  My parents and grandmothers loved to tell stories about our family.  Their houses were decorated with heirlooms, pictures, and memories. Family dinners were peppered with old recipes adding to the flavors of the day. I have learned through the years that this is not the norm in most families.  Yes, I do have family members who have attempted to run away from me or who not-so-politely sat through what I thought was a very interesting story.  I am sure you all can think of several instances where this has happened to you.  My goal as a genealogist mom is to, as Janet Hovorka states in her new book, zap the grandma gap with future generations.
Zap the Grandma Gap, by Janet Hovorka, is a wonderful how-to-guide for anyone struggling with passing on their family history to younger generations.  Each chapter is filled with hints, tips, ideas, and wonderful personal stories to show you that it really isn’t that hard to connect.  All you need to do is relate to their life experiences and talk to them in ways that interest them.  Simple enough, right?
You can read the rest of this post at the IDG!  Hope to see you there...


  1. This sounds like a good book to read, since I"m just about to become a Grandma for the first time, in August. I'm wondering how to make family history fun, introducing it in fun little "bites." Thanks for this review.

    1. Awe! Congratulations! You will have plenty of time to get your grandma game plan together. I really enjoyed the book, and while there were somethings that I already do with my kids, there was plenty of new ideas to keep it going.
