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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Week 29 of Abundant Genealogy

Week 29: Organizational Tools. Which organizational tool or tip is your favorite? How did you find it? How does this tool or tip assist in your family history research?

I am a list maker.  I have been known to make lists of lists and then organize said lists on a master list.  Bit OCD huh?  A few years ago I began keeping my lists in small, purse sized, spiral notebooks.  I would jot notes, shopping lists, reminders, phone messages, random thoughts, and anything else that I needed into these notebooks.  Using little post-it tabs I would mark pages I needed to return to.

Then I discovered moleskin notebooks.  Love, love, love them.  I have several running around my house, each with a different purpose.  Mainly I use them for research notebooks, particularly when I have gone to museums and they didn't allow photographs of the exhibits.  They are sturdy, long lasting, and I don't have to worry about the pages falling out!

Amazingly, I found a really cool article on a way to modify notebooks to be recorder of you ideas and research.  Check out his post and blog on GTD (getting things done).  In fact, he is not the only person out there with tips and tricks on how to modify your notebook into a customized organization tool.  Check out this post with more tips, tricks, and ideas than one person can use... but you may find a great solution to an organizational problem you have!

Some of you may be scratching your head, wondering why I am not using my electronic gadgets for these things.  Don't get me wrong, I use the notebooks as a tool in conjunction with my iPad and PC.  Some places won't allow the electronic gadgets, or they won't fit in my pocket or purse, so I am left with old fashioned pen and paper.  If it ain't broke....

photo credit: ©athrine via photo pin cc

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